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Step 1

Your first step is to decide what type of property you are looking for. Once you instruct us to act for you, we will send you details only of properties that strictly adhere to your brief.  We are happy to advise you in this process to help you decide on the best property for your needs.  If you want to take on a restoration project, you will need to be aware of  building costs and any restrictions that might apply.  You will need to set a realistic budget for us to work with, including for fees and taxes payable on purchase, and to advise us of any special requirements.

Finding your ideal home in Italy

Step 2

The next step is to sit back and allow us to do all the leg-work for you! We will ensure that the property details you receive are thorough and honest.  We cut through the Estate Agent blurb and check on tricky areas such as multiple ownership, shared access or communal spaces, all of which are common problems when purchasing old property.  We will also ensure that the property has all the necessary certificates in respect to services and utilities (Certificato di agibilita).

Step 3

Step 3 is your visit to Italy to view properties.  We know from bitter experience that this can be a costly and frustrating exercise if you are following up properties you have seen on internet and attempting to make appointments with Estate Agents. Unfortunately the laid-back Italian mentality can all too often result in abortive trips and wasted time. We will ensure that appointments are made for you and organise your itinerary of viewings. Once you have found the property you wish to purchase, we will guide you through Compromesso and Atto procedures, as well as ensuring that you have the necessary documentation (Codice Fiscale) to make your purchase. We will also advise on obtaining Residenza and the benefits this carries in relation to taxes and community/utility charges.

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